“Official Ribbon Cutting for The Chad Alan Foster Memorial Trail System to be held Saturday, April 22nd, 2023.”
On Saturday, April 22nd, at 1:00PM, Six Pack Outdoors will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for the “Chad Alan Foster Memorial Trail System” located in Borger, Texas. Among many other things, Chad Alan Foster was an avid Mountain Biker, and Borger Resident. This trail is dedicated in memory of Chad, with hopes to provide an outlet for outdoor recreation. Six Pack Outdoors first began clearing the trail system in January 2021, with the help of numerous volunteers! In fact, the group is made up entirely of volunteers, and serves as a 501c3 non-profit, with a focus on mountain biking, trail building, maintenance, and preservation. Since 2021, they have worked to maintain, map out, and market the Chad Alan Foster Memorial Trail System. They organize and facilitate multiple trail rides and races for not only the community of Borger, but all over the Texas Panhandle. In early March 2023, Frank Phillips College Welding School delivered two new trail head arches for the trail head located near the City of Borger Skate Park, as well as the trail head located next to Sonic on Cedar Street. All are welcome to attend and celebrate this milestone for the Community of Borger and help carry out the Mountain Biking Legacy of Chad Alan Foster. A Trail Ride/Hike will immediately follow the ribbon cutting. Join us as well, for the “BOOMTOWN BLOWOUT” trail race, on April 23rd. More information on that can be found at Six Pack Outdoors Series: Boomtown Blowout (bikesignup.com) www.bikesignup.com/sixpackoutd... Special Thank you to all volunteers and gracious donors, especially: Access Federal Credit Union, Jesses Pizza, Nutrien, Phillips 66, and Frank Phillips College.