Turnaround Support Graphic


Here's a rundown of the focus for this meeting:

We are proactively assisting P66 with their upcoming turnaround, focusing on our local food businesses. For the first time, P66 is allowing food delivery onsite (rules and restrictions apply), so in order to allow this to happen effectively and efficiently, we are partnering with our local restaurants and forming a plan of action that will allow them to participate in providing meals for hundreds of employees each day-- without overwhelming the current way they operate.

Our Refinery Complex is focused on ensuring our local community sees a positive impact directly related from this turnaround. They have gone to great lengths throughout their planning stages to ensure things progress smoothly both internally and externally. NOT overwhelming our food establishments remains a major focus.

If you are not in the food industry but would still like your business or property featured in our contractor guide, please visit https://www.visitborger.com/.../page/contractors-guide...